Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Day 3

Today started like any other day. I got up, took a shower, and headed down to the lobby to have breakfast. We did not go to UEF today, but we started the day by going to Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park. VSIP reminded me greatly of Phu My Hung. It was an industrial park that offered many benefits to businesses that established themselves within the park. I thought it was a good idea to help growth there. Within the park was the second company that we would be visiting that day, II-VI. II-VI was the company I did my group presented on prior to leaving. I know I am a nerd, but I loved II-VI. Probably my favorite company visit of the whole trip. Seeing the processes and having at least some understanding of the science that went into it was exciting to me. The big bubbling electro-chemistry tanks were cool because we had just learned about them in Chem 2. All the oxidation and reduction, pretty neat.

Look at all the science
After II-VI, we went out to lunch and we visited a porcelain shop. They had lots of little interesting figurines, a good spot from some trinkets for people. That was the end of the structured part of the day, so we headed back to the hotel. For dinner this night, we went to a French restaurant. The food was pretty good, but I wanted some more authentic Vietnamese food. After dinner, we went to a karaoke place. It was King Karaoke, and their motto was "Keep Impression Never Gone," which i thought was funny. We had a good time and sang some songs, but I think everyone was a little tired. It was a fairly early night comparatively, but all in all it was a good day.

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